For the feat of creating a custom expansion pack, it belongs on this list, but it is also one of the highest-rated mods available for the game. The mod features a new 8-hour campaign with professional voice acting and new items and areas. Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge is an entirely fan-made expansion pack by Silveredge9 that takes players on a new adventure within Knights of the Old Republic. One player got creative with their modding and produced a fan-made expansion pack for the game. This mod works with many others, but generally should be installed first to prevent issues.

It is also the most endorsed Knights of the Old Republic mod on Nexus Mods. Many of these changes can alter the experience of returning to the game, making it a worthwhile addition. The KOTOR 1 Restoration 1.2 mod by the K1R Team attempts to restore any missing game content, including a cut highest difficulty setting, Impossible, and some cut dialogue. Sometimes, content gets cut from games prior to release or over time, though it remains in the code. Best Knights of the Old Republic Mods for 2022

Here are some of the best mods for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic to keep the game feeling new even in 2022. There have also been talks of a live-action film based on the game. Mods can and have extended the shelf life of an older game like Knights of the Old Republic, and while there is a KOTOR remaster on the way and since Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker acknowledged Revan as a canon character, players may find the game worth revisiting. Related: 5 Ways KOTOR Was Even Better Than The Original Trilogy (& 5 Reasons The Films Are Better) Some of the mods present a visual overhaul that brings the game up to today’s standards, while other mods bring quality of life improvements. While the game’s story still holds up well even today, players interested in better graphics can enhance their experience by installing mods made by fans of the game. KOTOR presents an exciting world full of creatures, different biomes, and a lot of dialogue.