Oh, and the brief bit about Apostle Peter and his wife. These four were particularly beautiful and powerful to me. 105-113) and Connected at the Heart: Bill & Pam (pgs. 39-45) Addicted to Each Other: Jeff & Jennifer (pgs.

33-38) The Heart's True Desire: Jason & Noelle (pgs. Some of my very favorite stories were Waiting on God's Timing: Keven & Suzanne (pgs. I was deeply touched by how they used personal loss to keep an eternal perspective and press closer to Jesus Christ. It was so awesome to see how God worked in these couple's lives! It was also fun hearing about the author's own love story, and those of her children! Breaking the Bro Code: Estevan & Kayla (pgs. Real-Life Romance is about sweet romances as well as faith, friendship, redemption, loss, secret sin, and forgiveness. Each story is a little different, which is so neat to see. So basically, this book is a collaboration of twenty-five unique love stories. "And you'll discover how God's plan is for couples to love each other so deeply with His love that their marriages become a light He can use to draw others to know Him." (Real-Life Romance pg. But overall, Real-Life Romance by Rhonda Stoppe is an amazing, lovely book that I hope to share with others! Quite a thoughtful, fun, and inspiring read! There were a couple things I wasn't sure what to think about, so that's why this book didn't quite reach five stars.